* We're Celebrating *
With some Red and Green BEAUTIES!
For your viewing pleasure, we offer here
~ A Small Gallery ~
A Few of the Antique Quilts We're Offering This Year.
~ A Small Gallery ~
A Few of the Antique Quilts We're Offering This Year.
An Early "Fleur de Lys" Applique
An Early "Fleur de Lys" Applique
Here the "Green" is actually a Teal, and some might put it into the "blue" category.
We have included it anyway, because it fits the Holiday Mood!
A Spectacular Early "Rose" Quilt Top
We always wonder, of course, why some women did not complete their quilts.
So many things could explain it ... a broken engagement, illness or death, or something less dramatic. Maybe she loved applique but wasn't so keen on quilting, and her favorite quilter moved away?
"You Don't See Quilts Like This Every Day..."
A most unusual and personal quilt, a celebration of the Grape!
A marvelous "Wreath of Grapes" ~ not to be confused with "Grapes of Wreath" !
A Bit Less Formal ...
Red, Green, and White quilts appear about 1840 in America.
They were quite the vogue mid-century (1840s - 1860s), but they continued to be favored throughout the 19th century.
This one, which we call "Christmas Star," dates to about the 1880's. The applique design is simpler than in some of the early quilts, but this qt maker did not hold back on her elaborate hand quilting!
A Folk-y Example of a Classic Applique Quilt Design
We found this circa 1890 quilt in Pennsylvania, where it was likely made by a woman of German ancestry.
The exuberant color and densely placed color typifies what is often called the "Dutchy" aesthetic.
(Pennsylvania Germans were commonly known as the "Dutch," a word confused with the German word for "German" ~ "Deutsch.")
from Our Family to Yours !